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Roles & Permissions

Project type

UX, UI, Systems


Sr. UI Designer


Sep 2018 - Jul 2019


Walgreens Boots Alliance (WBA)
Deerfield, IL

Introducing the Admin app (part of a larger suite of apps), which contains Roles & Permissions (R&P), and Team Member Access (TMA). The R&P portion is where corporate users create new roles, assign permissions and configure rules & exceptions. Then in the Team Member Access section users assign roles to team members, verify licensing, and grant system access.

The prototype demonstrates how a corporate user would add a new role into the system with enhanced permissions allowing you to further define what activities can or can’t be done per role by adding state restrictions, license/certification requirements, and drug class restrictions.

Through usability testing, we saw a huge improvement in the toggle/switch behavior and users were able to apply rules with little hesitation.

After months of learning and evolving our user interface, we realized there was something missing. It was suggested that we should be thinking in broader terms of policy and procedure. I translated that as “how do you apply various states’ laws to Walgreens policy and our suite of apps for the program.

Our product owner thought we would need some sort of configuration app that would add another layer of adding rules to roles and permissions. I started reviewing the information architecture and user flows for adding new roles into the system, adding new team members to the system and assigning a role to the team member - at that moment, I realized the missing link was how to add new permissions and assign them to applications with category and device configuration. It also takes the weight off of having to configure so many permissions at each individual role level numerous times, and allow you to set them one level higher to apply rules for all roles with a single setting.

The gallery below shows the evolution of the interface design and my concepts for the configuration page.

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