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Protection Agreement Optimization

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May 2018


Sears Holdings, Inc. Chicago, IL


Lead Interface Designer

During the design process for Product Option Enhancements, we discovered that Protection Agreements are our largest add-on item for appliance purchases, but the number of people that add them to their purchase was significantly low.

Our UX team looked at the existing experience and found that it was difficult to understand what customers would be buying into. A standard 3-year agreement on average would cost about 25% of the item total, which is more expensive than other competitors. Unfortunately, the information we were providing our users wasn’t always relevant or clear.

Our research team did a study to figure out what people thought the benefits meant and ranked them in order of importance. After we got our results, our UX architect was able to group and list the benefits by order of importance to users. I read our Terms & Conditions to help define what each of the benefits meant, and our copywriters made it more easy to understand for consumers. With great teamwork, this is what we were able to come up with.

password: sears123

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